What's the Beef with the Livestock Industry

Just how huge of an impact does the livestock industry have on the planet? A spin on The Economist's Big Mac Index, we consider the real cost of a burger to people and the planet.

Episode 3


Just how huge of an impact does the livestock industry have on the planet? The Economist developed its 'Big Mac Index' to indicate currency values based on the cost of a McDonald's Big Mac. We consider the many costs to people and the planet not included in the price of a Big Mac burger.

Key Topics

  • Find out why our diets are taxing the planet

  • How eating meat is an inefficient way to convert plants to calories

  • Why, for so many reasons, it's so challenging to forgo eating meat and dairy products

  • The many ways that governments are huge supporters of the meat and dairy industries

  • A plant-based diet can be nutritious and even delicious- just listen to what Michael has to say about adopting a vegan diet

  • How to consume less meat, including meat alternatives, lab-grown meat, and even insects

  • Skipping beef just one meal a week can make a huge difference for the planet, and a Meatless Monday can help change the world

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