Making Sense of Chaos with Dr. J. Doyne Farmer

Kimberly talks with physicist-cum-economist Dr. J. Doyne Farmer about leading his complexity team at Oxford University and his new book, Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World.


Kimberly talks with polymath Dr. J. Doyne Farmer about his new book Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World. A physicist, Doyne’s life experience and intellectual curiosity landed him at Oxford University, directing an interdisciplinary group of researchers in the complexity economics program.

Key Topics Kimberly and Doyne discuss include:

  • Why Doyne gave up a promising career as a full-time gambler in Las Vegas for physics

  • Why we should cut traditional economists a break, even though they keep making some big mistakes

  • How food coloring in a loaf of bread and rock-paper-scissors help explain chaos theory

  • Why Doyne deserved a Nobel Prize in Economics for how accurately complexity economics predicted the economic impact of COVID-19

  • How complexity economics can help to rescue us from our climate change nightmare

  • What Brian Eno’s ambient music and Doyne Farmer’s Climate Policy Laboratory have in common

You can find Doyne on his website, Twitter, and LinkedIn

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